Good concept art captures the essence of the film without giving too much away. It brings out the themes and concepts (hence the name concept art) of the piece into one image. For me, the reason it is so key is that it puts an image to the film before the image themselves have been captured via a camera lense.
We have teamed up with creative powerhub Talenthouse to find WONDERFUL concept art for Cancer Hair. Amazingly, like actually amazingly, Nokia have sponsored our creative call and so we are pleased to announce there is even some cash in it for the artist/designer or expert illustrator who manages to a) capture our attention and b) promote the heck out of their entry via their own social networks.
Let me tell you a bit about Talenthouse. You really should consider using it, if like us you are looking for great art or a way to collaborate with creatives around the world.
Basically, it is where creative people meet and collaborate with each other, with brands, with projects and get paid and recognised for their work.
The concept is quite simple. You put out a creative call via Talenthouse – for in our case – Concept Art. Talenthouse promotes this to their community of artists around the world and if they are interested in your project, they will submit something.
You can choose the “best” submission for you. But the best bit is that there is social element to the voting on talenthouse. This means that the artist can use his or her social capital to promote their work, or your project. That means you benefit not just from their great art but the halo effect of their friends, and followers, knowing about your project. Genius stuff.
If you are an artist, designer or illustrator I’d love for you to go our call for submissions and enter something. Cancer Hair Concept Art Call On Talenthouse.
If you are a producer, director why not have a look at Talenthouse as something you can work with as part of your engagement going forward.